Face/ Natural Skin Care

Nourishing Baking Soda And Clay Facial Cleanser & Scrub

Updated: November 23, 2019

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clay facial cleanser

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Air is one of the most important elements of our environment for our survival and it is a natural gift and a free asset.  But it is polluted in many ways which adversely affect our health as well as our most beautiful skin. Polluted air has become a bane for our skin’s health. Skin is the first to bear the brunt of air pollutants, which not only attack the skin surface but also lead to an accumulation of toxins. This can cause premature aging, wrinkles, loss of elasticity, dark patches, and spots. It disrupts the normal balances of the skin, leading to problems like dryness, sensitivity, rashes, acne, irritative or allergic reactions. But this baking soda and clay facial cleanser can solve your skin’s problem because there are many benefits of using it on your beautiful skin and to make your skin nourished.

There are also many over the counter product which can help you to get rid of toxins of pollution, dirt, and product build-up but these are filled with the harsh chemicals. So, the best way to nourish your skin is to go on a path of natural healing using natural remedies. One of the best natural remedies to clear or cleanse toxins from your skin is using nourishing baking soda and clay deep pore facial cleanser and scrub.

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clay facial cleanser

Why should I use Baking Soda and Clay Facial Cleanser?

Baking Soda and Clay Facial cleanser is made up of 3 most nourishing and cheapest ingredients which are

1) Baking Soda
2) Fuller’s Earth Clay
3) Face Oils 

  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Lavender Oil
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Why have I used these ingredients, there are other ingredients too?

I have used these ingredients because there are numerous benefits which you can get them from which makes them different from others. Some of the extraordinary benefits are

1) Great face oil absorber!

Nature has provided you to use fuller’s earth clay for your all skin woes. It has become the staple ingredients in the beauty industry. It soaks the excess oil from our face and gives a natural shine to your skin. It cools down aggravated and irritated skin instantly.

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2) Deep pore cleanser

Pollution, dirt and other unnatural cosmetic products clog our skin pores and make skin dull and grow many related skin issues like acne and blackheads. But baking soda and fuller’s earth clay can solve these hateful skin conditions. The small particles of baking soda exfoliate the dead skin cells and unclog the blocked pores without any side effects. Fuller’s earth has also the ability to clean the skin pores and nourish the skin instantly. Both will help you to get rid of blackheads as well as whiteheads.

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3) Boon for acne-prone skin

Baking soda has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which kill the acne-causing bacteria and calms the inflamed acne and redness of the skin. It is one of the best ingredients which can help you to get rid of acne fast. Fuller’s earth soothes skin and also reduces the redness and the flaming irritation. Both the ingredients not only reduces the acne but also reduces the appearance of them again.

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4) Hydrates skin deeply

The face oils used in this cleanser can deeply hydrate your skin as it is made with grapeseed oil and my favorite lavender essential oil. Many people always say me that baking soda makes their skin dry. But adding nature’s blessing in the form of essential oil in skin care regime can solve the problem permanently.

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Grapeseed Oil: This oil is rich in beta-carotene, and vitamins D, C, and E and is packed with fatty acids. It’s non-comedogenic and locks in moisture. It has antioxidants which treat acne, tighten skin, helps diminish dark spot, moisturize, reduce scars, restore collagen and fight aging. It quickly penetrates the skin due to its light and thin consistency. It is suitable for all skin types but is especially used by those with sensitive and/or acne-prone skin as well as those with oily skin.

Lavender Oil: It is one of those few natural ingredients you can look up to for getting rid of acne troubles. The oil has antiseptic properties that can fight the bacteria that cause acne. Lavender tones and makes your skin firm as it boosts circulation, thus resulting in an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrition to the skin cells. This helps in keeping the cells healthy and boosting their renewal process.

In one study conducted by EssayLamba.com and the Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC, it was found that lavender oil was one of the few potent essential oils that can inhibit the growth of skin bacteria. (Source)

5) Blemish and scars reducer

Fuller’s earth clay has the natural bleaching agent which even tones the skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes and sun tan. Baking soda exfoliates the dead skin cells and heals the scars by regeneration of healthy and new skin cells. The combination of both the ingredients can help you to make your skin healthy.

6) Gives healthy glow to skin

The combination of face oil and essential oils with clay and baking soda is the perfect way to nourish your skin deeply and these ingredients can provide you natural glow or shine to your skin if used on regular basis.

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clay facial cleanser

How can I make this nourishing facial cleanser?

This baking soda and clay facial cleanser has the easiest way to make. It will hardly take your 5 minutes to prepare.

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Mix all the ingredients and keep it in an airtight glass container.

clay facial cleanser

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How to use

Wet your face simply by water and take a required amount of facial cleanser. Apply it to your skin by giving massage in circular motion with your fingers for 2-3 minutes. Massage stimulates the blood vessels and improves the blood circulation. These effects help to maintain healthy and beautiful skin. It also helps you to clean pores and exfoliates dead skin cells. You will notice that oil is being absorbed by the skin and clay has started to become dry. Now wet your fingers with water and again give a gentle massage for 1/2 a minute and then wash your face with normal water and apply moisturizer.

clay facial cleanser

A regular skincare routine with baking soda and clay facial cleanser with gentle massage has been proven to improve the complexion, refine the texture of the skin, and purge the skin of excess horny matter. You can use it in your daily skin care routine or use it 2-3 times in a week as it won’t hurt your skin.


  • You can choose your favorite carrier oil instead of grapeseed oil like jojoba oil, rosehip seed oil or hemp seed oil.
  • You can also add your favorite essential oil which suits your skin type.
  • Keep the container away from light as it contains essential oils.
  • Do a patch test first to check it doesn’t react adversely with your skin.
  • If cleansing face with this cleanser is making your skin red, dry or irritated, immediately stop using it or use once a week. Always watch your skin how it responds when you are using this facial cleanser.

Go ahead and try this cleanser and let me know your experience in the comments. I would love to hear them.

clay facial cleanser

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