Natural Hair Care

11 Effective Natural Remedies For Hair Loss That Works

Updated: November 23, 2019

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Natural Remedies For Hair Loss

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Long, luscious hair is a desire that keeps pricking you. Hair fall is a common problem that most men and women experience during their lifetime. Although losing 50- 100 strands a day is considered normal, losing more than this should be a cause for concern. Anyone with long and thick hair is seen as healthy and strong. Your hair defines how healthy your mind and body are. And the best way to maintain the health of your hair is by using natural remedies for hair loss.

Commercial brands are still working on the best products for hair and there is a wide range of over the counter hair growth potions as well, but in most cases these chemical laden solutions do more harm than good in the long run and therefore it is best to opt for natural remedies for hair loss that have no side effects. The best part is you can find these ingredients in your kitchen!

Here are some amazing natural remedies for hair loss that will help you regain the texture and growth of your hair.

You can also give your hair a natural blessing with DIY Hair Oil made up with essential oil which treats hair fall, dandruff and scalp problem

1. Coconut Oil Massage For Hair Loss


How To Apply

  • Take coconut oil as per your hair requirements in a small bowl. Place this bowl in a larger bowl containing hot water. This will warm the oil and warm oil will deep condition your hair and scalp. Now, if possible add 2 drops of rosemary oil in the oil.
  • Make a partition of your hair with your hand and apply the oil to the scalp. Gently massage the scalp with your fingertips. Never rub your hair with your palms as it can break.
  • Massage is essential as it improves blood circulation in your scalp area. You should massage your hair for 5 to 10 minutes. Leave the oil in your hair overnight. You can wash it off the next morning. Oil at least twice a week.
  • Giving Oil Treatment to your hair is the best superfood for your hairs. 
  • Coconut oil is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals which are good for hair. It keeps the hair strong, nourished and protected from excessive hair loss. The use of coconut oil on hair helps to reduce protein loss in both damaged as well as undamaged hair. It easily penetrates inside the hair shaft. It does not let moisture escape, thus keeping hair moist and soft, which prevents breakage of hair. Coconut oil can be one of the best natural remedies for hair loss if It can be applied regularly.

2. Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Loss


How To Apply

  • Take aloe vera gel and castor oil in a bowl. Mix the ingredients and apply on scalp. Massage the scalp gently for 5-10 minutes and leave it for overnight for a fast result and then rinse it off. Repeat it twice or thrice a week to prevent hair loss or regrowth of hair.
  • Castor oil accelerates blood circulation to the scalp, hence increasing hair regrowth and prevents hair loss. It works on nourishing the scalp and strengthening the roots with the help of essential nutrients.
  • Aloe Vera gel contains protein and it helps make hair smooth and strong and due to this, it prevents hair loss. It contains vitamin E that repairs and builds tissue, which is essential for healthy hair growth. Vitamin A present in aloe vera which keeps hair from drying out and breaking off. In addition, Vitamin A fights free radicals that weigh your hair down. That’s why aloe vera gel is the topmost option in natural remedies for hair loss treatment. Vitamin B12 in aloe vera is important for the healthy scalp. Because of this, aloe vera can help to boost hair regrowth. It wards off dandruff and encourages the growth of new hair.  Aloe vera helps in moisturizing your scalp and hair, keeps the scalp hydrated.
See also  Natural Coconut Oil Body Lotion For Dry Skin

3. Amla(Indian Gooseberry) For Hair Loss


How To Apply

  • Take lemon juice and gooseberry oil in a bowl. Mix the ingredients and apply on scalp.
  • Massage the scalp gently for 5-10 minutes and leave it for overnight for a fast result and then rinse it off. Repeat it twice or thrice a week to prevent hair loss or regrowth of hair.
  • Gooseberry oil, when massaged into scalp promotes circulation in skin and hair follicles. The oil can be used for natural conditioner making hair stronger, shinier, thicker, softer and provides adequate nourishment to the hair. Further, the oil soothes and cools the scalp and prevents graying, balding and hair loss.
  • Lemons are excellent astringents. They tighten the pores in your scalp, thereby controlling hair fall. Surely, a combination of these two can be the perfect natural remedies for hair loss.

4. Onion  For Hair Loss


How To Apply

  • Mix onion juice and olive oil in a bowl and apply on the scalp. Massage the scalp gently for 5-10 minutes and leave it for overnight for a fast result and then rinse it off or you can rinse it off with shampoo after 30 minutes. Repeat it twice or thrice a week to prevent hair loss or regrowth of hair.
  • Onion improves blood circulation and provides the hair follicles with sufficient nourishment. Onion also has anti-bacterial properties, so it helps with scalp infections that might contribute to hair loss. Furthermore, it contains the enzyme catalase, which is an antioxidant that can prevent premature graying.
  • Olive oil helps in giving moisture and shine to hair. It helps in regrowth of hair and makes scalp healthier than before as it contains antioxidants and vitamin E which are beneficial for hair and scalp.

5. Fenugreek Seeds For Hair Loss


  • 3-4 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds
  • 1-2 fresh yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

How To Apply

  • Soak fenugreek seeds in water for overnight. In the morning, make a paste of overnight soaked fenugreek seed and mix yogurt and lemon juice. Now, apply it on the scalp and rinse it off after 30-40 minutes. Repeat it twice or thrice a week for hair loss treatment.
  • Alternatively, take a pan and put one cup of olive oil in it. Allow the oil to warm up and put 3-4 tablespoon fenugreek seeds. Boil the oil for few minutes till it gets infused with the fenugreek seeds. When the oil cools down, strain the oil and keep this oil in an airtight bottle for future application. Apply this hair oil 3 times a week and leave it for 30 minutes or for overnight for fast result. Do shampoo next day.
  • Fenugreek nourishes and strengthens hair follicles; Treats sensitive scalp conditions and dandruff also. It helps in hair regrowth and also helps in moisturizing the hair and bringing back the luster and bounce. Fenugreek as natural remedies for hair loss is an age-old practice in Ayurveda.
See also  DIY Aloe Vera Leave-In Hair Moisturizer

Natural Remedies For Hair Loss6. Hibiscus Flower For Hair Loss


How To Apply

  • Take a pan and put coconut oil in it. Allow the oil to warm up and put 8-10 crushed hibiscus flowers and few hibiscus leaves(optional).
  • Boil the oil for few minutes till it gets infused with the hibiscus extracts and turns slightly reddish in color.
  • When the oil cools down, mash the hibiscus leftovers and then strain the oil. Now keep this oil in an airtight bottle for future application.
  • Apply this hair oil 3 times a week and leave it for 30-40 minutes or for overnight for fast result. Do shampoo next day.
  • Alternatively, Put some flowers in a blender and add some lemon juice to it and make a fine paste. Now, mix it with 1-2 tablespoon curd and apply to the scalp and rinse it off after 30-40 minutes. Repeat it twice a week for good result.
  • Hibiscus is considered to be one of the perfect natural remedies for hair loss treatment as it provides so many benefits for hair due to its vitamin C and amino acid-rich composition. It helps and prevents the premature graying of hair. It is known to combat hair loss and hair fall in men and women and makes the hair root and strands stronger. It conditions the hair mildly and keeps them bouncier.

7. Egg Mask For Hair Loss


  • 3-4 egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon ginger juice

How To Apply

  • Break the egg and separate the egg yolk from whites. Now add ginger juice to egg whites and mix well and apply the mixture to the scalp.
  • Gently massage the scalp with your fingertips for 5 to 10 minutes. Once you have applied the hair mask, wear a shower cap and let the mixture dry out. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes. The mixture will turn sticky on drying. Rinse it out as you usually, would. Apply the egg mask for hair growth twice a week.
  • Ginger contains few circulatory agents that promote blood flow to the scalp and triggers the hair follicle and encourages new growth. It strengthens the hair tresses from roots to the hair tips which aids hair growth.
  • Egg whites and ginger juice is the perfect combination and it is considered to be one of the very effective natural remedies for hair loss as it promotes hair regrowth because it contains far fewer nutrients than what you want for great hair. Fatty acid, vitamin A and E of eggs help to promote hair growth, as well as add sheen and luster to hair. It also prevents dry, itchy, flaky scalp and is beneficial in reversing hair loss.

8. Neem(Indian Lilac) For Hair Loss


How To Apply

  • Take a pan and put coconut oil in it. Allow the oil to warm up and put a handful of freshly crushed neem leaves or dried leaves.
  • Boil the oil for few minutes till it gets infused with the neem extracts and turns slightly dark greenish in color. When the oil cools down, mash the neem leaves leftovers and then strain the oil.
  • Now keep this oil in an airtight bottle for future application. Apply this hair oil 3 times a week and leave it for 30 minutes or for overnight for fast result. Do shampoo next day.
  • Alternatively, Put some fresh leaves in a blender and add some lemon juice to it and make a fine paste. You can also use neem powder. Now, mix it with 1-2 tablespoon curd and apply to the scalp and rinse it off after 30 minutes. Repeat it twice a week for good result. Or add few drops of neem essential oil in coconut oil and apply to the scalp.
  • Neem protects the scalp skin from ongoing damage that is caused by the free radicals due to its medicinal properties. Neem also has regenerative properties that support healthy cell division and stimulate hair follicle growth and function and prevents hair loss. It also treats dandruff and lice. Neem leaves as natural remedies for hair loss is an age-old practice in Ayurveda and is being used in the treatment of many skin or hair diseases.
See also  DIY Hair Growth Stimulating Leave-In Conditioner

9. Coconut Milk For Hair Loss


  • coconut milk

How To Apply

  • Put some fresh coconut pieces into a blender and grind it without adding water. Then strain the milk through the sieve or with the help of cheesecloth. Apply the milk to the scalp and rinse it off after 30 minutes or let it stay for overnight. Wear shower cap. You can also use organic coconut milk for the application.
  • Coconut milk is rich in vitamin E and fats that help to moisturize your hair and keep it healthy. The milk is rich in potassium, another vital ingredient for hair growth. It strengthens your hair right from the root through the shaft to the tip. It makes your hair smooth and strong.

10. Curry Leaves For Hair Loss


How To Apply

  • Take a pan and put olive oil in it. Allow the oil to warm up and put a handful of freshly crushed curry leaves or dried leaves. Boil the oil for few minutes till it gets infused with the curry leaves extracts and turns slightly dark greenish in color.
  • When the oil cools down, mash the curry leaves leftovers and then strain the oil. Now keep this oil in an airtight bottle for future application.
  • Apply this hair oil 3 times a week and leave it for 30 minutes or for overnight for fast result. Do shampoo next day.
  • Alternatively, Put some fresh leaves in a blender and add some lemon juice to it and make a fine paste. You can also use curry leaves powder also. Now, mix it wit 1-2 tablespoon curd and apply to the scalp and rinse it off after 30 minutes. Repeat it twice a week for good result.
  • Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants and amino acids which are capable of reducing hair fall and stimulate hair growth. They help in preventing the hair strands from thinning by means of strengthening hair follicles and reduces hair fall.

11. Black Pepper for Hair Loss


How To Apply

  • Take sesame oil and black pepper powder. Mix the both ingredients and let it keep for overnight so that pepper extracts its vitamins and minerals to the oil.
  • Apply this mixture to the scalp and keep this mixture for 30-40 minutes and rinse it with herbal shampoo. Do this remedy once in a week. Keep this oil in an airtight bottle for future application.
  • Black pepper has growth stimulating and dandruff fighting abilities and it also works as a natural astringent to your scalp, opening the pores and allowing healthy hair growth.
  • Sesame oil has many benefits like it treats premature graying of hairs, revitalizes damaged hair, treats dandruff and dryness of scalp, promotes hair growth, gives shine to hairs etc.


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  • Reply
    Daina Andrew
    February 11, 2018 at 12:35 pm

    My name is Daina Andrew I am 51 years old African American female. I have grey hair. I am trying your Home Remedy #3 to turn my gray hair back black. I just had my Doctors exam and I am in excellent health with no problems. If you have any other tips for me please email me and how will it take to turn my hair black? thank you, Diana Andrew

  • Reply
    Shenika Keis
    March 8, 2018 at 11:40 am

    Hey dear, amazing Ayurveda remedies for preventing hair loss. Some are new for me that I have never tried before. I will now try that all. I just want to protect my hairs for hair falls. And I really have a trust on the natural ways that we can do. Thanks to you for these useful remedies. I am sure by these remedies I can prevent my hair fall to great extent. Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply
    June 9, 2018 at 11:40 am

    I love to straighten my hair .but now I had lot of split ends using hot styling devices tell me the best way to cure it without cutting because I had trimmed them a no. Of times but it resulted only in shortening hair length.

  • Reply
    Robin waqas
    February 20, 2019 at 8:56 pm

    If i have hair transplant surgery already can these home remedies will be helpful for me???????

    • Reply
      September 19, 2020 at 5:58 am

      Yes you can, however I would recommend consulting with your doctor once.

  • Reply
    Roshni Parate
    March 23, 2019 at 6:13 pm

    Very helpful. I had tried curry leaves remedies and it worked very well. You have a really great blog. Thanks for putting it all together in one article.

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