Face/ Natural Skin Care

6 Homemade Mint Face Pack And My Experience With Mint On Skin

Updated: May 22, 2021

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homemade mint face pack

Acne can be particularly frustrating for adults. A treatment that worked so well during our teen years can be useless — or make acne worse. Some adults continue to get acne well into their 20s, 30s, 40s, and even 50s. It is even possible to get acne for the first time as an adult. There are various over the counter medicines as well as products in the market which claims to treat acne but there is always some side effects of those products. There is always a better way to treat that hateful acne naturally without any side effects. One of the best ways to treat acne is through homemade mint face pack and I am going to share my experience on this and its benefits on my skin. But the main thing is first we should know what is the reason behind the acne formation. 

If you’re getting acne as an adult, it is likely due to one or more of the following reasons

  • Fluctuating hormone levels: An imbalance can lead to breakouts. Women often experience fluctuating hormones around their periods, during pregnancy, premenopause, and menopause or after discontinuing (or starting) birth control pills.
  • Stress: Due to stress also acne flare-ups.
  • Family history: Findings from research studies suggest that some people may have a genetic predisposition for acne.
  • Hair and skin care routine: Acne flares up due to improper hair & skin care.
  • Medication side effect: Acne is a side effect of some medicines also.

My experience with acne and homemade mint face pack

I am someone who got acne for the first time as an adult. I have a combination type of skin. I tried many different kinds of treatment to get rid of acne. Some products were able to control my acne but only for a certain period of time and made my skin more sensitive. The more I strive to clear my skin, the more pimples I seemed to get. I wasted a lot of money, time and emotional energy. The trouble is not only acne but also the permanent scar/blemish it leaves behind on our skin.

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Then someday someone suggested me to apply homemade mint pack to treat/heal acne. After spending so much of money finally I got a solution for my ugly pimples/acne.

I searched on the internet and came to know that Mint Leaves act as

  • A great healer for pimples/acne.  Its external application helps to fade away the acne scars and internal intake purifies the blood and reduces acne re-occurrence.
  • Mint has an anti-acne element which dries up the acne & cleans up the pores. External application of crushed mint leaves can lighten the acne scar/blemish.
  • The vitamin A element helps in controlling the excessive oil that the skin produces which results in acne. It tones up the skin & removes the blackheads instantly.
  • It has an antioxidant property which keeps the skin soft & supple.
  • Mint leaves help in fighting against various bacterial infections including acne as it is also formed due to bacteria. Consumption of mint purifies the blood which in turn removes impurities such as pimples /acne.

Here are some methods to apply homemade mint face pack topically on the face which I used during acne period.

  1. After cleansing my face I applied mint juice mixed with lemon juice on my moderate cystic acne as well as on problem area through ear-bud/ q-tips twice a day. I blended the leaves in a blender and extracted the juice from the paste and stored it in an airtight container and refrigerate. you can use this juice up to 2-3 days.
  2. I applied a mask of mint leaves daily for faster recovery. I used freshly blended mint leaves and mixed it with curd and lemon juice and applied on the whole face. Waited for 30 minutes and washed off with cold water.
  3. I also used a natural homemade toner to heal acne and to remove the scar. I made the water to boil and added a handful of freshly crushed mint leaves and basil leaves and simmered it for 20 minutes. When it cooled down I applied on my face. I could store and refrigerate it up to 6-7 days.

I was very desperate to make my skin free from acne so I used this regime on a daily basis. After 3 weeks, all my old dark spots started to fade and tiny pimples were gone and the big ones were on a healing stage. The moment I applied this mask I got the cooling sensation and made me energized. After 2 months I got a face free from big cystic acne and some older dark spots and no new blemishes.

See also  9 Easy Homemade Face Mask for Acne You Probably Didn't Know

Whenever I see my face in the mirror, my skin looks hydrated and imparts a glow. I haven’t discontinued the whole regime but the only changes are that previously I used to apply the mask on daily basis for 3 weeks, now  I am using twice a week. It prevents me from future bad acne as well as gives a glow to my face.

homemade mint face pack

Here are some more homemade mint face pack which will benefits to the problem skin as the main ingredient is miracle herb, the mint.

1. Homemade mint face pack using lemon for acne


  • A handful of fresh Mint leaves
  • 1-2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

How to apply

  • Put the leaves and lemon juice in a blender and make a smooth paste. Apply on a cleansed face and neck and wash it off with normal water after 20-30 minutes. Repeat it twice a week to get a good result.

Why does it work

  • Mint exfoliates the dead tissues of the skin and kills the bacteria causing acne. This application leaves the skin moisturized and eradicates the pimple marks from the skin.
  • Lemon has vitamin C  which reduces the appearance of brown spots and other types of sun damage. It helps boost healthy collagen production which causes firmer skin and reduces inflammation and irritation, both of which cause a cascade of damage. It also fades post-breakout red marks by improving skin’s natural healing response. Try lemon face mask for beautiful skin.

2. Homemade mint face mask using banana for glowing skin


  • 1 medium ripe banana
  • Few fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

How to apply

  • Put some handful of mint leaves, lemon juice, banana and blend it in a blender for a smooth paste. Apply it on the face and neck & rinse off after 20-30 minutes with normal water. Repeat it twice a week to get a good result.

Why does it work

  • Banana is packed with some vital vitamins and nutrients that make banana extraordinary beauty fix. Bananas protect our skin from free radicals and therefore delay the aging process. It moisturizes the skin and gives a glow to the skin.
  • This strong and cooling mint comes with high contents of vitamin A, salicylic acid, and antioxidants that make it an ideal pick for skincare face packs.

3. Homemade mint face pack for oily skin


  • 1 tablespoon of gram flour
  • 1 tablespoon mint powder or paste
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

How to apply

  •  Add fresh lemon juice to mint paste and gram flour & mix well to form a paste. Apply it on the face and neck & rinse off after 20-30 minutes with normal water. Use this pack daily to control the excess oil on the skin.
See also  Apple Cider Vinegar Toner For Beautiful Skin

Why does it work

  • Lemon has citric acid which acts as a natural chemical peel to rid acne and also has an acidic property that eliminates excess oil. Both lemon and gram flour regulates the skin’s oil production and
  • Mint contains vitamin An element helps in controlling the excessive oil that the skin produces which results in acne. It tones up the skin & removes the blackheads instantly.

4. Homemade mint face pack for dry skin


  • Few fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon milk cream

How to apply

  • Put the mint leaves and cream in a blender and make a smooth paste. Apply it on the face and neck & rinse off after 20-30 minutes with normal water. Use this pack daily to control skin’s dryness.

Why does it work

  • Milk hydrates dry skin, exfoliates mature skin, soothes irritated skin and lightens dark skin. The fat and proteins in milk cream that can replenish the lost natural moisturizing factors of dry skin type. Mint and milk cream combination does wonders for dry skin as it hydrates the skin, treat acne and gives a glow to the skin.

5. Homemade mint face pack for suntan and sunburn


  • Mint Paste
  • yogurt

How to apply

  • Mix the two and apply on sunburnt skin. Apply daily to treat those sunburnt skin and wash it off with cold water after 30 minutes.

Why does it work

  • Sunburns damage the skin, resulting in redness and sometimes, blisters. Using yogurt mixed with mint can help heal the sunburned areas.
  • Yogurt helps fade blemishes and corrects uneven pigmentation is because of its lactic acid content. Lactic acid removes the topmost layer of skin, which promotes the growth of new skin cells. This effectively reduces the appearance of pigmentation.

6. Homemade mint face pack cum skin scrub


  • Few fresh mint leaves
  • 2 tablespoon oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon Honey

How to apply

  • Put mint leaves and oats in a blender and make a smooth paste by adding some water. Now mix honey to the mint and oatmeal paste. 
  • Apply it on the face and neck and gently massage the face for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse it off after 20-30 minutes with normal water. Repeat it twice a week to get a good result.

Why does it work

  • Regular use of this face mask helps to get rid of dead skin cells and blackheads. Oats help to remove dirt from skin pores. Oatmeal’s moisturizing property, when combined with its cleansing property, gives your skin a soft glow after topical application.
  • Honey will moisturize the skin and mint will give a glow to the skin.



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  • Reply
    September 8, 2017 at 2:51 pm

    You have mentioned to make mint past and add yogurt for tanning….
    But how to make mint paste.


    • Reply
      September 11, 2017 at 6:36 am

      Hi Tarun, Just wash a handful of fresh mint leaves and blend it with little water to make a smooth paste.

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